Finding Fu

You think that the path of your life has revealed itself. Everything seems so clear. Sure, the road weaves to the left and right just a bit but you figure nothing major is hiding in those dark shadows. It's not until you turn the next bend that you discover that the road truly swerves and the path beyond that curve is unseen. This is my journey to see what is around that next bend. To find out, I'm hitting the road...

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Name:JenFu Cheng
Location:New Jersey, United States

Rock climber and aspiring photographer...practices medicine as a hobby. Mastered the art of living expensively but working for free (looking for the secret of reversing this trend).

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

September 7, 2005 - Escaping the heat of Vegas...and Life

I always love exploring new climbing areas. I got the chance to visit Mt. Charleston last year but it was on a rest day so we didn’t climb. Today, Edison and I sampled the limestone of this beautiful area. It’s hard to believe that it was a billion degrees in the shade down in Las Vegas but 45 minutes away, we were hanging out amongst the towering pine trees of Mt. Charleston, enjoying the cool, mountain breezes. It was enjoyable moving over the steep stone, pushing physical limits again.

It’s so very nice to be guests at our dear friend’, Doug and Trang’s place in Las Vegas. After a hard day of climbing, we can enjoy the pleasure of the company of friends, lounging around like lucky dogs.

Edison also has a comfortable place to make his important call back home.


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