Finding Fu

You think that the path of your life has revealed itself. Everything seems so clear. Sure, the road weaves to the left and right just a bit but you figure nothing major is hiding in those dark shadows. It's not until you turn the next bend that you discover that the road truly swerves and the path beyond that curve is unseen. This is my journey to see what is around that next bend. To find out, I'm hitting the road...

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Name:JenFu Cheng
Location:New Jersey, United States

Rock climber and aspiring photographer...practices medicine as a hobby. Mastered the art of living expensively but working for free (looking for the secret of reversing this trend).

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

August 30, 2005 - Stars

As I lie here looking up, a universe of stars standing vigil. I’m impressed by their number. I turn off my headlamp and watch motionlessly. A few moments pass, and as my eyes adjust to the darkness, the hundred thousand more stars that were hiding behind the distraction of my own small light source peek out of the darkness…and I’m left speechless.

I'm very glad I stopped at Zion.


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