Finding Fu

You think that the path of your life has revealed itself. Everything seems so clear. Sure, the road weaves to the left and right just a bit but you figure nothing major is hiding in those dark shadows. It's not until you turn the next bend that you discover that the road truly swerves and the path beyond that curve is unseen. This is my journey to see what is around that next bend. To find out, I'm hitting the road...

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Name:JenFu Cheng
Location:New Jersey, United States

Rock climber and aspiring photographer...practices medicine as a hobby. Mastered the art of living expensively but working for free (looking for the secret of reversing this trend).

Monday, December 05, 2005

December 5, 2005 - Strength and Innocence

Although Cambodia has sprinted in their recovery, the poverty in the country remains evident. There are primitive villages standing next to enormous hotels. Many children spend their days selling souvenirs to tourists, making much more than their parents. It has created another paradox. The children we have encountered have appeared so happy. They seem to possess such innocence in their smiles and gestures. They run and play, appearing quite carefree. At the same time, they have taken on the role of supporting their families and are often seen caring for the infant siblings. They negotiate the crowded streets of town at night without guidance or protection from a caregiver, but do so with such confidence. It is no doubt a difficult life but one in which they seem to find happiness. Sometimes I feel sadness for them…other times I envy their happiness. But, always, I feel respect for their strength.


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