Finding Fu

You think that the path of your life has revealed itself. Everything seems so clear. Sure, the road weaves to the left and right just a bit but you figure nothing major is hiding in those dark shadows. It's not until you turn the next bend that you discover that the road truly swerves and the path beyond that curve is unseen. This is my journey to see what is around that next bend. To find out, I'm hitting the road...

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Name:JenFu Cheng
Location:New Jersey, United States

Rock climber and aspiring photographer...practices medicine as a hobby. Mastered the art of living expensively but working for free (looking for the secret of reversing this trend).

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

September 27, 2005 - Patience

We did five dives today with most of them being over 100 feet deep. Diving this way is somewhat of an endurance event. But, when you’ve looked forward to this trip so much, sitting a dive out is not an option.

I came to Cocos to see Hammerheads. Today, we say many, many Hammerheads. I also came to photograph them. Today, I did not get a good photo of any. It is hard to believe that these creatures can be so agile in the water, given their unwieldy appearance. They are incredibly fast. So, unless you sneak up on them or ambush them, it is hard to get a decent shot. Then again, for such an efficient predator in his own realm, I’m not sure if you truly want to surprise them. They would likely run, but who knows for sure.

It was a pleasure to watch these creatures roam. This is such a large place and we are quite small. Even the little creatures are grand in their uniqueness. Being a small feather blowing in the wind can be somewhat scary as well. I’m happy that this sport has adopted the buddy system and I’m very fortunate to have Paul as my buddy on this trip. On more than one occasion, he has been my link back to safety and I thank him for that.

Tomorrow, we will slow down a bit and only do four dives. There is a really good chance that we will visit the island itself. That would be very nice, but I still hope for the big fish.


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